Website Revamp vs. Redesign
A website revamp refers to updating or changing a few features rather than redesigning everything from scratch. If you are thinking of revamping your website, keep reading.
What is a Website Revamp?
A website revamp is just changing the visual appearance. However, if your website's performance is low, search engine ranking does not increase, user experience is low, the infrastructure must be changed rather than a revamp.
Website renewal can have a big impact even if the changes you make are small. For example, by changing the color palette of your site, you can make it more attractive and suitable for your corporate identity. But this change will not solve the performance problems on your site.
Revamping involves changing and rolling out multiple elements. So it can be a long process.
Web Site Revamp or Redesign?
In order to choose the web revamp option, the website performance must be high, it should meet the user experience, and the coding must be suitable for the changes you will make in the future. These are just a few of the necessary criteria. With a detailed website review and performance analysis, it is necessary to decide whether to revamp or redesign.
If you are receiving complaints from customers about the usability of your site, "bounce rate" is high, if your site's design is very outdated, a site redesign is a better option for you.
Most of the time, redesigning a website is much better than trying to revamp it.
It costs more to maintain an old website than it does to redesign it.
When to Get a New Website?
- If you have been using the same website for years
- If your site is not receiving organic traffic
- If visitors are not converting into customers
- If the availability rate is low
- If the website, content and images are not search engine compatible
- If you have changed or want to change your logo and corporate identity
- If the website is not mobile responsive
- If the website is unable to meet your digital marketing goals
The Crucial Role of Website Usability in Enhancing User Experience
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